Thursday, October 31, 2019

Need to fix and tweak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Need to fix and tweak - Essay Example in mentoring on: the use of hardware, software applications, multimedia, databases, presentations, and other digital technologies (Available Equipment-STC). It’s important to have the right stuff for the right kind of job and that is what the STC helps students get the job done. If you require a certain type of software for work and not sure how to use it, STC has mentors that will help you learn how to use the software and train you also one on one on just about any software available (Technology Mentoring-STC). This is very helpful because not everyone knows a lot about certain software especially those who are freshmen in college. You have certain formats to use for classes and some we may never even heard about it. And this is where STC comes in handy. They teach us about the software in addition to making it available for us. This is very helpful because this saves the students thousands of dollars (Technology Mentoring - STC). STC made it also very convenient because mentors make themselves available for students, walk-ins or by appointments. And if you have a busy schedule they can work around you. You wonder just how helpful a place like the STC can be helpful for a student. There is free printing and many computers to use just about any time you need to work. The STC now provides  40 Dell computers and 8 Apple computers for student use. In addition, the center offers training on  13 software packages and loans out digital cameras, HD camcorders and laptops to students free of charge (Available Equipment-STC). A freshman named Corby who frequents the library commented â€Å" I took a tour and found STC very available for me. I use this place 2-3 times a week. Things that benefit me are the free printing and software† (Wozniak). Freshmen seemed to find them more useful compared to any other students who are in the higher year levels. All students that were asked by the survey â€Å"What do you like about the Student Technology Center?† The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Management and Organization in Financial Services Essay

Management and Organization in Financial Services - Essay Example The same theories and principles of motivation obtain in the workplace. The same problems confront management about how to motivate officers and employees to become more productive, more perceptive, intelligent, and creative in order to drive company objectives of gaining a competitive edge and obtaining better-than-average results. This paper aims to discuss the concept and theories of motivation and seek to analyze how they apply in the workplaces of the US financial services industry. An understanding of what motivates workers effectively is important for those who would like to tap the human resource component of a financial services firm to contribute towards synergy in the achievement of organizational goals. Motivation is defined as the process of inducing a person or a group of people, each with distinct needs and personalities, to achieve the organizations objectives, while also working to achieve their own objectives (Stoner and Wankel 358). Despite the fact that every individual is unique, certain underlying principles and theories of motivation can be applied by managers to enable them to understand as well as predict peoples responses to task challenges. In a specific organization, the principal objective is stimulate employees to work and produce more effectively. In addition, it should also be an important goal to encourage current employees, particularly the efficient ones, to remain with the firm. Because the company may from to time increase or replenish its personnel, a corollary objective is to encourage potential employees to join the organization. There is a lot of productivity potential in most workplaces as it is estimated that about 75 per cent of workers acknowledge that they are performing below their potential (Stoner 360). The challenge to management is therefore how to tap that reservoir of energy and talent. The ability to contribute value through work may be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Role of a Midwife in Domestic Violence Cases

The Role of a Midwife in Domestic Violence Cases Domestic violence and public health The role of the midwife. Why is domestic violence a public health issue for midwives?The latest triennial maternal mortality report (CEMACH, 2004) reveals that for the years 2000-2002 eleven new mothers were murdered, within six weeks of giving birth, by their partners. The report highlights that domestic violence is a risk factor for maternal death from all causes. In this report 14 percent of all the women who died had declared that they were subjected to domestic violence. This translates to 51 women in England, Wales and Northern Ireland over the three year period. If progress is to be made in reducing maternal mortality careful note needs to be taken of all the risk factors.   Risk assessment is currently a means by which the type of care received by the woman in pregnancy and labour is determined. This midwifery role is already well established for antenatal and intrapartum care. Epidemiology Domestic violence has a high prevalence. Crime figures for a single day, 28th September 2000, were obtained and publicised form British police forces. On that day there were 1 300 calls to the police reporting domestic violence. Extrapolating from this there is an incidence of domestic violence every six to 20 seconds. Most of the victims are women. According to Home office figures two women die in Britain each week from violence by either their current or their previous partner (Mirrlees-Black, 1999). A study in London found in a sample of women on antenatal and postnatal wards a 23% lifetime experience of domestic violence. Three percent of these women were encountering domestic violence in the present pregnancy (Bacchus, 2004). The impact of domestic violence What constitutes domestic violence varies tremendously. It does not have to be physical violence. This is problematic. Collection of statistics is hampered by the blurring of the boundaries between the abuse severity. Whilst it can be agued that no level of abuse is acceptable some distinction needs to be drawn. Pregnancy may act as a trigger for domestic violence; it may start at this time or change in nature sometimes becoming mental rather than physical but sometimes being more focussed on blows to the abdomen. The puerperium is a time of particular vulnerability (CEMACH, 2004). The high prevalence of domestic violence impacts economically on society. The costs of dealing with 100,000 women seeking medical help annually due to domestic violence and the fact that of applications for shelter on account of homelessness 17 per cent are caused by domestic violence may be costing London alone approximately  £250 million each year. Support systems are overstretched; there are 7 000 women and children looking for places of safety every day (Seymour, 2001). Physical violence to a pregnant woman increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour, low birth weight and intrauterine fetal death. Domestic violence may increase the likelihood of a pregnant woman smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs with deleterious effects on the pregnancy and fetus. Domestic violence is associated with depression and suicide attempts. Trauma to the abdomen incurs risk of life threatening placental abruption, rupture of the uterus or other internal organs in addition to the fetal risks. Women incurring domestic violence are less likely to be able to access antenatal care, many book late and a significant proportion not at all. They have problems accessing care and often default on visits, change addresses and have no reliable means of being contacted. Often the partner will exercise stifling control over them and accompany them during visits to the midwife, answer questions for them and remain present during examinations (Mezey, 2002). Initiatives to address the problem The Department of Health’s National Service Framework (2004) for Children, Young people and Maternity Services states the importance of identifying victims of domestic violence and includes pointers for recognition and action during pregnancy and recommends that staff should be aware of the importance of these aspects. Some emphasis is put on the supportiveness of the environment and the sensitivity of the enquiry about the abuse. The Government has looked closely at the issue of domestic violence (The Government’s Proposals on Domestic Violence, 2003). Parliament has legislated via the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. This has extended police powers of arrest for common assault under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. This has had some effect with a dawn raids to intercept offenders (Bird, 2004). Dimond (2005) argues that to really tackle the issue of domestic violence people in general must become involved and this includes health care providers. It is already the case that following an assault which leads to miscarriage the offender can be charged under s.58 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (Bristol Evening Post, 2004). Where the assault leads to premature delivery from which the child dies the charge is one of manslaughter. The Home Office is taking the lead on behalf of the Government on this issue. Specialist domestic violence courts are planned. In Leeds it is pil oting a Domestic Violence Cluster Court. The aim is to make the process of dealing with the perpetrators faster and to make custodial sentences longer. In 2000, the Department of Health advocated routine questioning of pregnant women about domestic violence. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives and NICE all requested that this should happen. In a position paper in 1999 the Royal College of Midwives recommended that abuse be recognised and documented and also that such women should be given information to choose for themselves what to do.   It is recognised that it is important for a woman to be able to find the help that she needs when she is ready (Smith, 2005). Whilst the woman can be assured of confidentiality it is important that the extent and limitations of this are made clear. For instance if she already has children and there is a risk that they may suffer domestic violence then confidentiality will have to be broken. If there is a real danger to the fetus once it is born then again the confidentiality between the woman and the midwife will have to be broken. Up until the moment of birth the fetus does not have any right of its own in law. In Wales and in Bristol there have been significant projects to screening pregnant women for domestic violence and following through the positive answers. There have also been initiatives in Leeds and also in London. A study done in Bristol (Salmon 2004) and funded by the Department of Health showed that where midwives were trained to ask about domestic violence more women disclosed it. Midwives wanted further training and without this only 10% of midwives would ask about domestic violence by choice. Midwifery training in asking the question increased midwives’ confidence in this area(Baird, 2005). The Bristol research was important to determine the impact of the routine questioning about domestic violence on midwifery education. The multi-agency involvement of the work and education was apparent. A vitally important aspect of the work on disclosure was talking to the woman alone, specifically without the presence of her partner (Merchant, 2001). The question is unlikely to be of benefit if the woman is not asked alone or if there is no effective follow up (Ward and Spence, 2001). Sometimes the only time the abusive partner will allow the woman to be alone is when she goes to the toilet. Therefore posters must be available in this location detailing contact numbers of women’s refuges, social services, victim support etc. Information can also be pre-printed on maternity records so that if a partner sees it it is obviously not aimed specifically at that woman and she is then not likely to suffer further abuse on account of him seeing the information. Another aspect, which might be considered, is to have in the women’s toilet a poster indicating that if the woman is being abused she may mark her routine urine container in some way that alerts the midwife but no one else that she is in danger from domestic violence. Women from ethnic minorities where English is not spoken by the woman pose particular difficulties. It is important to use an inte rpreter who is not a family member. The Bristol study was a pilot to inform about education needs of midwives when asking about domestic violence. It was not designed as a study to gather evidence about whether it is effective to promote disclosure and whether subsequent information and support giving is beneficial in reducing the problem. London based initiatives Mezey studied 892 pregnant women at St George’s Hospital, south London. Midwives were trained to ask the question about domestic violence. Women were more likely to admit to domestic violence when directly questioned about it. Women’s fears of loss of confidentiality or that their children might be removed from them hampered disclosure. Some midwives found asking the question was distressing and some feared reprisal from the woman’s partner. It was clear from the study that midwives cannot tackle this problem alone. Considerable back up from other agencies is vital and all agencies must work together. The strengths of the work and initiatives so far include the understanding and acceptance that whilst midwives play a pivotal role in this opportunity to screen women for domestic violence they cannot tackle the problem alone. It is accepted that training of midwives can enhance the percentage of women abused who disclosure this. Other strategies around enhancing disclosure also have a positive effect. To be critical the major weakness of the initiatives is that they are not of proven benefit. Statistics are always going to be difficult to collect in this area. Concentrating on this problem may be detracting from other important midwifery aspects and studies have not addressed this aspect. Training given to midwives has not been universal and the wider aspects of continuing professional development and training of other members of the multi disciplinary team have not been set up. Just admitting to domestic violence does not mean that the woman’s life is going to improve. To bring the problem out into the open may upset the woman’s family and result in isolating her from them both physically and emotionally and in some situations may do more harm than good. A targeted approach needs to be fostered and work needs to be done to evaluate how we can spot the domestic violence cases where intervention would really make a difference. It is doubted whether this is a midwifery role since skills within the field of criminology would seem appropriate. What improvements could be made? A recommendation of the 2000-2002 maternal mortality report (CEMACH, 2004) is that midwives require adequate training both pre registration and as continuing professional development to ensure that they can effectively assess women who suffer domestic violence. A further recommendation is that all pregnant women should be asked if they suffer domestic violence presently or previously (but that the question be deferred until midwives have received the relevant training and multidisciplinary support services are in place). Asking about domestic abuse is generally done poorly in social history taking (Foy, 2000). The most difficult part seems to be the midwife asking the question about domestic violence (Scobie and McGuire, 1999; Price and Baird, 2003; Mezey et al, 2003). The default position would seem to be that they midwife is reluctant to ask and the patient feels unable to talk about it (Ashton, 2004).   The educational aspect is important. Both theory and practical skills are involved. The work around domestic violence is multidisciplinary and multi-agency and clearly this needs to be reflected in the midwife education and continuing professional development courses (Baird, 2005). There needs to direction from the nursing and Midwifery Council and the Royal College of Midwives about what the training will consist of and what comprises the required level of competency. Education should be of proven benefit to practice. The reluctance to answer the question is not supported by women being offended; generally they accept it (Price, 2004). Approximately 90% of women asked are in favour of being asked (Leeds Inter-Agency Project, 2005). On average a woman will suffer domestic violence 35 times before she contacts the police. This is of concern and highlights the degree to which women are trapped in the violent situation. Factors within themselves, for instance fears of reprisals from the partner, compounded with a lack of confidence in the police, social services and the legal system contribute to this problem. Pressure cannot be put on the woman to leave the violent situation (Bewley C and Gibb, 2001). Initiatives aimed at these problems are needed. How midwives can be involved in this public health initiative Thirty percent of domestic violence towards women starts whilst they are pregnant (CEMACH, 2004). Asking all pregnant women about domestic violence as a routine question has advantages over asking only a selected group, for instance; it helps with the changing attitude to domestic violence; it helps women feel they are not being picked on and it is lees likely to jeopardise the safety of an abused woman (Tacket, 2004). The key areas of involvement of midwives to best support these women include; Asking all women directly whether they have been domestically abused and facilitating disclosure Documentation and allocating those with positive responses to high dependency care Giving information to affected women thereby enabling them to access specialised help Supporting women when they are making a change away from the violent situation Inter-agency working (Hepburn M McCartney, 1997) Peer review Midwives do agree with the concept of questioning pregnant women about domestic violence and approximately 80% also agree that it should be the midwife who does this (Price, 2004). However in clinical practice only about 60% are happy about asking the woman this question (Price, 2004). The reasons the midwives gave for these problems were practicalities such as a lack of time or lack of staff or difficulty getting privacy with the woman and personal problems with asking the question (Leeds Inter-Agency project, 2005). ConclusionWith the increased awareness and increased stance of non-acceptability of domestic violence it is to be hoped that people in general will have a common awareness about how they can seek help. Pregnancy is still going to be a vulnerable time from the point of view of the physical stage of mother and fetus and the fact that such a high percentage of abuse situations develop during pregnancy. Midwives are therefore still going to be pivotal in this area. Another important aspect from the midwifery point of view is that a woman may be better motivated to make a change to her situation whilst she is pregnant. Perhaps the role of the midwife in aspiring to solve the problem of domestic violence will be moving away from just asking the question and giving information (since women will largely already have this knowledge) towards encouraging the woman to make a change that really is for the better. It should be recognised at this stage in time that greater challenges lie ahead and we should plan for them now.   ReferencesArticles Aston G The silence of domestic violence in pregnancy during womens encounters with healthcare professionals. Midwives 2004 vol 7 no 4 April Bacchus L Domestic violence and health. Midwives 2004 vol 7, no 4 April 2004 Baird K, Salmon D and Price SLearning from the Bristol Pregnancy and Domestic Violence Programme British Journal of Midwifery, November 2005, vol 13, no 11 p692-6 Bewley C and Gibb A MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 2001 vol 11 no 2 183-187 Bird S Police hold 150 in domestic violence raids. The Times8 December 2004 Bristol Evening Post 18th December 2004, report on Nycoma Edwards. Dimond B Protecting victims of domestic violence. British Journal of Midwifery February 2005, vol 13, no 2 p105 Foy R et al Antenatal detection of domestic violence. The Lancet 2000 vol 355, p1915 Hepburn M McCartney S Domestic Violence and Reproductive Healthcare in Glasgow. In: Bewley S Friend J Mizey G (eds) Violence Against Women London: RCOG Press, 1997: 233 Leeds Inter-Agency Project (2005) Health and social care project report: promoting good practice in health service responses to women and children experiencing domestic violence Marchant S Davidson L Garcia J et al Addressing Domestic Violence through Maternity Service-Policy and Practice. Midwifery 2001 vol 17 164-170 Mezey G Bacchus L Haworth A et al Midwives’ perceptions and experiences of routine enquiry for domestic violence. Br J Obstet Gynaecol2003 110: 744–52. Price S Routine questioning about domestic violence in maternity settings. Midwives 2004 vol 7, no 4 April   Price S and Baird K Domestic Violence: An audit of professional practice. Pract Midwife2003 vol 6 no 3 15–8 Salmon D Baird K Price S et al An impact evaluation of the Bristol Pregnancy and Domestic violence Programme to promote the introduction of routine antenatal enquiry for domestic violence at North Bristol NHS Trust 2004 Scobie J McGuire M The silent enemy: domestic violence in pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery1999 vol 7 no 4 557–62 Seymour J Pregnancy No Protection From UK Epidemic Of Domestic Violence. 1st November, 2001   Panos-UK/1 Smith N Training is vital to domestic abuse screening. British Journal of Midwifery Nov 2005 vol 13, no 11 p676 Ward S and Spence A MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 12, 2002; Supplement 1, S15-S17. Papers Mirrlees-Black C Home Office, Domestic Violence: Findings from a New British Crime Survey Self-Completion Questionnaire, London, 1999. Royal College of Midwives (1999) Domestic abuse in pregnancy: Position Paper 19a (London: RCM) Reports CEMACH Why Mothers Die. Confidential enquiry into maternal deaths 2000-2002. RCOG press 2004. London   Department of Health (2000) Domestic violence: a resource manual for health professionals. 2000 London: Department of Health   Ã‚   Department of Health (2004) National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services: Part 111 Maternity Standard (London: Gateway ref. 3779) Taket A Tackling Domestic Violence: the role of health professionals. 2004 Home office Development and Practice Report 32 The Government’s Proposals on Domestic Violence. Home Office Safety and Justice: June 2003 Home Office;

Friday, October 25, 2019

Applying Common-sense Morality to Life :: essays research papers

Applying Common-Sense Morality to Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that I could and do â€Å"live with† W. D. Ross’s theory of common-sense morality as my own moral code. I agree with some of the principles that Kant and Utilitarianism follow, but I believe they are too strict. I agree with the system of moral dilemmas and priorities that common-sense morality uses. It allows a person to prioritize moral obligations and choose which obligation is more important based on a particular situation. I believe common-sense morality can easily be applied to situations at home, at work, and at school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, I will give an example of how common-sense morality can be applied to a situation at home. Let’s say that my father and I have plans to meet for dinner on Thursday night. According to Ross, I have made a promise to meet him for dinner and this situation would fall under the obligation of fidelity. In class on Thursday, I find out that I have an exam in my business ethics class on Friday and I know that I should stay home and study for it instead of going out to dinner. After thinking about the situation, even though my father and I had previous plans to go to dinner, I would decide to change our plans to a later date and study for the exam. By doing this, I broke my promise to go to dinner, but the exam is more important. According to Ross, I have prioritized the exam over the dinner in order to fulfill by obligation of self-improvement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second, I will give an example of how common-sense morality can be applied to a situation at work. Let’s say that I work at Wendy’s fast food restaurant. James, the manager of the store, and I are the only staff members in the store. All of the sudden, James accidentally spills hot grease all over his hand and is screaming for help. I immediately run over to help, but then a woman in the dining area screams to call 911 because her husband is having a heart attack. Now I have a moral dilemma. According to Ross, I have an obligation of beneficence to both people, but I need to evaluate which person’s health is more at risk. In this situation, the person having the heart attack is in much more danger than James. I would call 911 and then tend to James.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advanced Forensics vs Traditional Investigation

Technology has allowed our world to become much more advanced. This was never truer than in the field of forensic science. There was a time where the only evidence introduced at trials was the murder weapon and the testimony of an eyewitness. Now we have DNA, hair, fiber, and soil samples to analyze. We rely on forensics when decomposed bodies or skeletal remains are found to provide an identity and a cause and time of death. The field of Criminalistics has definitely come a long way from just questioning suspects but this still remains a critical part of any investigation. It can be said that forensic science provides amazing answers but the results can never have 100% certainty due to human error. Traditional investigative methods must go hand in hand with forensic analysis in the process of ensuring that all possible evidence is acquired and a jury has proper information to make a fair decision. Forensic evidence provides many answers to questions that would otherwise remain a mystery. We can take the example of forensic anthropology, or the study of human remains. Sometimes the remains are skeletal or so badly decomposed that it is impossible to even identify the victim until an examination is done by a forensic anthropologist. As we learned in chapter 1 of our text, studying remains as well as the insects and soil found in and around a human body can determine a time and cause of death. This is important information useful in finding and convicting a suspect. Every case is different, but evidence is always required to prove guilt. Forensic science has become so evolved that traditional methods might be seen as out dated; this shouldn’t be the case. Interrogating a suspect should be just as important as submitting a DNA sample. No case should rely solely on one or the other. If we consider some of the cases from the past we can see how important it is to have a good combination of both. In the Wayne Williams case there was a huge amount of fiber evidence linking him to 12 different victims; however fiber evidence is only good when you have a source to match it to (Saferstein, 2007). If the Atlanta P. D. had not set up a surveillance team the night he allegedly dumped a body into the river, this case might remain unsolved. An old fashioned stake-out provided a big break for this case. The Manson case is another high profile case that relied heavily on eyewitnesses and informants as opposed to forensics (Bugliosi, N. D. ). In this case the prosecution was able to prove through witness testimony that Charles Manson had almost complete control of his followers. Unfortunately juries do place a lot of credibility on forensic evidence which might be a cause of the â€Å"CSI effect† (Robbers, 2006). The CSI show has captivated so many people with its unrealistic techniques of solving crimes in less than 60 minutes. Society has embraced its popularity and has come to expect something similar when they land in the jury box. Jurors should not base their decision solely on the fact that they have a forensic scientist confirming a DNA sample match with the suspect. Let’s not forget that the scientist making this analysis is human and susceptible to commit errors whether intentional or unintentional. . In recent years many lab scandals have been uncovered from innocent unknowing mistakes to faking tests results. I had come across the story of Mariem Megalla, a forensic scientist who is accused of falsifying evidence she tested. She is accused of labeling a sample of a suspected drug as positive when it had actually come back with a negative test result (Mangan, 2010). Rather than having it retested, she removed the label off of a positive sample and placed it on the negative sample. Because of scandals similar to this the Justice for All Act of 2004 was created. This did require strict guidelines, frequent audits and more oversight in forensic labs but this still does not guarantee a mistake proof result every single time. Jurors must always keep this in mind when deciding how much weight to put on any type of forensic science evidence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gia and Her Life

Gia Marie Carangi is a gorgeous Philadelphia native who arrives in New York City to become a model and immediately makes an impression on a very high profiled agent by the name of Wilhelmina Cooper. In the movie Gia’s sexual identity is not identified by her. She never comes out directly and states I’m a lesbian or bisexual. Even though she never had sex with a man, she never said that she wasn’t attractive to men. Gia was very open minded and was always willing to explore her sexuality. Throughout the movie growing up she was finding herself while meeting a woman by the name of Linda who at the time they met was involved with a man. Gia really loved Linda but in the beginning Linda would always push her away which fueled her drug addiction. Linda was bisexual and in the beginning had issues with it because Gia was the first woman she ever been with but Linda also fell in love with her in time. Gia was feminine but at times could be very aggressive and had some boyish qualities about her to me that stood out. Her looks which made her one of the top female models back in the 70’s had male and females in awe of her beauty. Gia had a uniqueness about her that made her different from everybody else which elevated her into the star she was destined to become. Her beauty was like a gift and a curse because it got her to places she never dreamed of going, yet the curse for some could be that people only looked at the outer beauty and cared less what was on the inside. Gia finally realized that Linda was the only one that was there for her and she thanked her for that while photographers and other people surrounding her just saw her as a face that could make money and could care less if she couldn’t speak because they didn’t want her to open her mouth just look beautiful. Gia was very erotic and adventourous which did capture the interests of others to her and she portrayed that well on camera which the photographer loved! The movie takes place in the late 1970’s and around that time was the term â€Å"sexual liberation† or â€Å"free love† with millions of young people embracing the hippie ethos and preaching the power of love and the beauty of sex as a natural part of life. Sex was experimented openly in and outside of marriage and around the 80’s is when free love ended abruptly because that’s when the public became aware of AIDS. Sex and drugs was one of the main components that surrounded her and by being in the entertainment industry that always came with the territory some did it more than others but in Gias case the drugs took over her life at one point sharing needles which later on is found out how she contracted AIDS.